Peeling Peaches & Tomatoes

Peeling Peaches -  Blanching Peaches - 3 parts of a blancher

    Peeling peaches and tomatoes is easy when you use a blancher. This process also works with apricots, nectarines, and plums.

    A Blancher has three parts: the pot, the strainer, and the lid.

How to blanch peaches or tomatoes 1

Here’s how you do it:

    Fill your blancher two-thirds-full with hot water and bring the water to a boil.

    While your water is coming to a boil, fill your sink with cold water. You will dump your hot peaches in this water right after they come out of the blancher.

    Put your fruit in the blancher. Make sure the fruit is completely covered.

    Because the top of the strainer sits a couple inches higher than the top of the pot, you can’t see how close the water is to the top of the pot. If you put too much fruit in at a time, the water will overflow. I’m sure you’ll do this a few times. No Problem. You’ll soon get the feel of how much water and fruit to have in the blancher at one time.

How to blanch peaches or tomatoes 2

Peeling Tomatoes

    Boil fruit for 30-60 seconds.Tomatoes take about 30 seconds to blanch and peaches take about 60 seconds.

    Riper fruit needs less time in the blancher. If the fruit comes out of the blancher and is mushy, decrease the blanching time. If the skins do not slip of easily, increase the blanching time. You get the idea.

    Lift up the strainer, and sit it on the side of the pot for 5-10 seconds while the water drains out of the strainer.

    Blanched skin of a peach

    Use a hot pad to hold the lid and another hot pad to hold the strainer. Put the lid under the strainer as you carry your fruit to the sink. This keeps water from dripping on your floor.

    Pour your fruit into the cold water.

    Now when you go to take the skin off the fruit, it should slip right off.

Reasons why the skins still might not slip off:

    #1 The fruit is not ripe.

    #2 The water is not boiling. This happens when you blanch several batches in a row without letting the water come back up to a boil between batches.

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Canning Peaches from Peeling Peaches
Canning Tomatoes
How to Blanch Vegetables

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